When it comes to the Bible, the Amish do not have one specific version that they use. Instead, they rely on the German Martin Luther Bible or the English King James Version. In churches where the New Order Amish people worship, a combination of both versions is used. 

Amish Bibles tend to be thicker than other versions because the page includes both the English and German versions side by side. This allows Amish people to read and study both versions simultaneously. While some Amish people may prefer one version over the other, both versions are equally respected and used within the community.

Who Are the Amish?

The Amish are a religious group in North America that broadly follows the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church. The church originated from Jakob Ammann’s followers in the late 17th century. They’re known for rejecting most social change and technological innovation outside their society. This has led to them being perceived as an archaic group, and many aspects of their lifestyle have remained relatively unchanged for centuries. 

In addition, the Amish live a close-knit community life without many modern amenities. They dress plainly and shun most forms of technology, preferring to use more traditional methods. One of the most notable aspects of Amish life is their focus on farming and agricultural work. This has been a central part of their culture since the church’s beginnings. It continues to play an essential role in their society today. Some may see the Amish way of life as simple or even primitive. Still, it has allowed them to maintain a strong sense of community and tradition for centuries.

Why Do the Amish Not Use Electricity?

There are several reasons why the Amish community avoids the use of electricity:

  1. Electricity is a connection to the outside world that could lead to temptation and worldly amenities. The Amish believe that adhering to simple living practices helps them stay close to God.
  2. The use of electricity can lead to materialism and a focus on possessions, which is contrary to the Amish values of humility and simplicity.
  3. Many Amish communities are located in rural areas where access to electricity may be limited or nonexistent.
  4. Some Amish community members believe that using certain technologies like automobiles and phones can lead to social isolation and a loss of community cohesion.

How Do the Amish Dress?

The Amish are a conservative Christian group who have a separation from the world, including its fashions. The Amish men dress simply, usually wearing black suits, straight-cut coats without lapels, broad-legged pants, suspenders, and black shoes and stockings. Meanwhile, the women wear bonnets and long dresses fastened with either straight pins or snaps. The dresses have a cape sewn over the shoulders. The Amish believe their clothing choices should not call attention to themselves and should not be flashy or fashionable to preserve their belief that they should be separate from the rest of the world.

What God Does the Amish Pray To?

The Amish pray to the one true God, existing eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to absolve the world of sin. Furthermore, they believe that the Holy Spirit provides believers with strength and guidance to live a life pleasing to God. The Amish church is centered around the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible. They teach that one obtains salvation by living a simple life, shunning material possessions, and helping others. In addition, they believe in non-resistance, meaning they will not fight back if attacked. Instead, they rely on God to give them strength and guidance in all situations. Thus, the Amish church is a strong community that relies on God for everything.

What is the Amish Bedroom Rule?

In the Amish bedroom, couples are encouraged to spend the night talking to each other in bed to become emotionally closer. Though still practiced by some today, bundling is originally derived from the Old Testament and was mentioned in the Book of Ruth as a common Jewish practice. In 1693, Jacob Boreman wrote a book called “A Miraculous Work Among the Hutterites” that detailed the method of bundling among the Amish. In this book, Boreman wrote that bundling was “a very prudent custom” and “a means of preventing many evils.” 

Bundling continued to be practiced throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. However, it fell out of favor in some areas due to concerns about moral propriety. Despite this, bundling remained an important part of Amish culture and was considered an essential part of courtship. Today, many Amish couples still practice bundling as a way to strengthen their relationship.

Do the Amish Have More Than One Wife?

In North America, the Amish communities are well known for their traditional way of life. One aspect is that the only marriages are between one man and one woman. This is in keeping with the conservative interpretation of marriage based on the traditional understanding of gender roles. The Amish take their faith seriously, no matter what denomination they belong to. They believe this primarily because they see marriage as a holy agreement between husband and wife, and any other kind of relationship would break that contract.

As a result, the Amish communities do not recognize same-sex marriages or civil unions. In addition, the Amish believe marriage should be for life, and divorce is not an option. For those who choose to marry outside of the community, it is generally expected that they will not return to the Amish way of life.

What Are Amish Forbidden To Do?

While the Amish are best known for their simple dress, there are many other things they forbid themselves from doing. For example, they do not use buttons or zippers on their clothes. They also do not use electric lights or stoves in their homes and travel by horse and buggy instead of by car. In addition, the Old Order Amish forbade their members from getting a college education or serving in the military. Instead, they believe humans should live simple lives and rely on God for guidance. While this way of life may seem restrictive to some, the Amish believe it is the best way to live in harmony with God and nature.

Do the Amish Celebrate Christmas?

The Amish celebrate Christmas but do not exchange gifts or decorate trees. Instead, they focus on the religious aspects of the holiday. They attend church services and sing hymns. The Amish also have a tradition of giving their children presents on December 6th, which is St. Nicholas Day. Children put their shoes by the fireplace on this day, and St. Nicholas fills them with candy and gifts. The Amish believe that Christmas should be a time of joy, but they also think it should be a time to remember the true meaning of the holiday, the birth of Jesus Christ.

What Kind of Food Does the Amish Eat?

The Amish diet is simple and wholesome and based on the principle of eating fresh, local, and seasonal food. The Amish grow their fruits and vegetables and raise their own livestock. This means the Amish can access fresh meat, milk, and eggs. In addition, the Amish bake their bread and make their cheese. The Amish also like to eat simple, hearty, filling, and satisfying meals. Some of their favorite dishes include chicken and dumplings, beef stew, and homemade pies.

What Does the Amish Believe Happens After Death?

The Amish believe in life after death and that the soul goes to either heaven or hell. The Amish also believe in the importance of living a good life on Earth. They think how you live your life will determine where you spend eternity. Also, the Amish live simple and humble lives. They believe that material possessions are unnecessary and that focusing on things like family, friends, and community is more important than the former.

Do the Amish Believe in Doctors?

The Amish do not believe in modern medicine but in the importance of taking care of your health. They prefer to live healthy lifestyles and often turn to home remedies and natural cures instead of doctors. However, they also believe in the significance of seeking medical help when needed. For example, the Amish will go to the hospital for childbirth or have surgery. They will also see a doctor if they are injured or ill. Finally, the Amish believe modern medicine should be used as a last resort and only when it is essential.

Are Amish Allowed to Talk to Non-Amish?

The Amish are generally friendly and outgoing people and are usually happy to chat with anyone interested in their way of life. However, the Amish do not socialize with non-Amish people outside the community. This means that they do not go to movies or restaurants and do not participate in activities that are not approved by the community. The Amish believe it is essential to maintain a separation from the outside world, and they want to protect their way of life from outside influences.


The Amish are a fascinating group of people who have managed to preserve their way of life in the modern world. One of the most admirable aspects of Amish culture is their commitment to family, community, and hard work. In an age where so many families are fractured, and communities often compete against each other, the Amish provide a refreshing example of what can be accomplished when people work together. 

Additionally, the Amish value simple pleasures and shun materialistic pursuits. This allows them to focus on what is truly important in life, which is something that we could all learn from. While the Amish way of life may not be for everyone, there is no doubt that they have much to teach us about living a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Sarah Goodwin

A passionate Christian and Bible enthusiast, I find joy in delving deep into Scripture and sharing its timeless wisdom with my readers. Through words, I aspire to illuminate the profound lessons the Bible offers, hoping to inspire faith and purpose in every heart. Join me on a journey of biblical exploration and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...

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