June 27, 2023

What Does the Bible Say About Video Games

by SARAH in Christian Ethics and Moral Guidance0 Comments

It is important to note that the Bible does not explicitly mention video games. However, there are a few teachings from the Bible that might assist us in making wise decisions about our gaming habits. First, we should always be mindful of how our choices impact others. It doesn’t matter if someone decides to avoid a specific game. We must not compel our brothers and sisters in the faith to stumble as a result of our gaming preferences (Romans 14: 19-21). Second, we must be careful about how much time we spend playing video games

If we find ourselves spending more time gaming than we do in prayer or in fellowship with other believers, then it is probably time to re-evaluate our priorities (Ephesians 5:16). Finally, we should be mindful of the types of games we play. Avoiding violence and sexual content is a good rule of thumb. We should also be cautious about games that promote greed or other sinful behaviors (Proverbs 16:27). When used in moderation and with discretion, video games can be a safe type of entertainment.

Can Catholics Play Video Games?

There are no specific teachings about video games within the Catholic Church. However, some ideas have been propagated to assist in understanding video games and how to deal with them. Like other activities and sports, video games were developed for leisure time to relax and unwind. 

Many see video games as escapism, where people can take on different personas in a make-believe world and experience things they normally wouldn’t. There’s also an opportunity to socialize with other players online. Some parents might feel concerned about the game’s content or how much time their children spend playing it. 

The Catholic Church doesn’t have a definitive answer either. Still, they advise parents to monitor their child’s gaming activity actively and ensure that the games they play are appropriate. Generally, it’s important to moderate screen time and make sure that other aspects of life, such as family time, sleep, schoolwork, and physical activity, are not neglected.

How Do Video Games Affect Morality?

Studies have shown that there can be an effect on the moral development of secondary students who play video games. Usually, girls tend to have better moral reasoning than boys. However, one study found that male gamers who played for more prolonged periods had higher levels of moral reasoning than those who didn’t play as frequently.

This is because it is believed that players must be able to make decisions quickly and efficiently to succeed in video games. This type of thinking can often lead to better moral reasoning skills. In addition, video games often present players with ethical dilemmas that must be solved. These situations can help players develop their sense of morality and learn how to make difficult decisions.

Of course, it’s essential to remember that not all video games are made equal. Some are more violent than others, and some do nothing to stimulate critical thinking. So, picking games appropriate for your child’s age and maturity level is vital. Games that are too violent or sexually explicit can desensitize players to real-world violence and damage their ability to empathize with others. On the other hand, games that are challenging and require critical thinking can be beneficial for moral development.

Who is the God of Gaming?

There are many colloquial references to “the god of gaming,” but Lord Muruga, better known as Kartikeya or Kumara, is the deity most commonly associated with gaming. He is the son of Shiva and Parvati, and he is the God of Mars. In ancient mythology, he was often linked with games. For example, he is said to have invented dice in the Mahabharata. He was also known for his love of battle, and warrior caste members often invoked him before going into battle. Today, Lord Muruga is still considered the patron deity of gamers, and his image can often be seen on game boards and pieces. His likeness is also used in promotional material for video games. 

Can Video Games Teach Morals?

Video games have been shown to help teach moral values. Many games require players to make decisions that will affect the outcome of the game. These decisions can often be difficult, and they may have moral implications. For example, a player might be faced with whether to kill an enemy or spare their life. The player’s choice can teach them about the consequences of their actions and help them develop their sense of morality. 

In addition, video games can provide players with a safe environment to explore morally ambiguous situations. By allowing players to experiment with different choices, games can help them learn about the implications of their actions and develop their ethical code. In general, video games have the potential to instill important moral values in players and help them to become more responsible citizens.

How is Social Media Changing the Church?

Social media has changed the way the church communicates with its congregation. In the past, churches would release sermons through radio or television broadcasts, or people would have to attend services to hear the speech. However, with the advent of social media, churches can now engage with their congregation on a daily basis.

Through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, clergy can post sermons, answer questions, and start discussions. This new form of communication has allowed churches to reach a wider audience and build stronger relationships with their congregants. It has also allowed people to connect with the church on their own time and in their own space. In an increasingly digitized world, social media has allowed the church to remain relevant and engaged with its community.

Does Technology Affect Religion?

Religion and technology are often seen as being at odds with one another. However, it is essential to consider how they are intertwined. Technology has always played a role in religious practice, shaping the way that people communicate and interact with one another. For example, the development of writing systems allowed for the dissemination of sacred texts, while the invention of the printing press made it possible for these texts to be mass-produced. 

Similarly, the creation of the internet has profoundly impacted religious communication, making it possible for people to connect instantly, regardless of geographical location. However, it is essential to note that religion also shapes technology. For instance, many early inventors were motivated by their religious beliefs to create new technologies like clocks, which were designed to help people better keep track of time so that they could more easily comply with religious obligations like prayer.

In the same way, the development of hospitals and other medical technologies was often propelled by religious groups who saw it as their duty to care for the sick and needy. Therefore, it is impossible to consider religion and technology as separate things. They are linked together and profoundly influence each other.

How Does Technology Affect the Sharing of the Gospel?

The way in which people share the Gospel has been affected by technological advances in recent years. It is now easier than ever to share the good news of the Gospel with a far-reaching audience, and today that might mean using our hands to blog or text about it. With modern technology, we can express our gratitude for God’s plan in a way that people from all corners of the globe can hear. Sometimes just one phrase of testimony has the power to change someone’s life forever. 

In the past, sharing the gospel meant going door-to-door or handing out pamphlets on street corners. While there is nothing wrong with those methods, they definitely have their limitations. But with technology, we can overcome those limitations and reach more people than ever. No matter where they are in the world, we can connect with people instantly and share the gospel message with anyone. 

Another way technology has affected evangelism is by giving us more opportunities to share our faith. In the past, our options were limited to one-on-one conversations, preaching from a pulpit, or passing out tracts. But now, we have a whole range of choices available to us, including blogging, podcasting, making videos, and using social media. We can use these tools to share our faith in creative and engaging ways. 

All of this is not to say that technology is a replacement for personal relationships or face-to-face interactions. Those things are still essential in sharing the Gospel effectively. But technology does provide us with new opportunities to reach people for Christ in ways that were not possible before.


Video games and technology can help us become better people by providing us with new challenges to overcome, access to new ideas and knowledge, and opportunities to connect with other people. However, it is essential to remember that excessive gaming or the use of technology can lead to addiction and social isolation that can dwindle our time or relationship with God. Therefore, moderation is key when using these tools. By striking a balance, we can harness the power of video games and technology to help us lead more fulfilling lives.


Sarah Goodwin

A passionate Christian and Bible enthusiast, I find joy in delving deep into Scripture and sharing its timeless wisdom with my readers. Through words, I aspire to illuminate the profound lessons the Bible offers, hoping to inspire faith and purpose in every heart. Join me on a journey of biblical exploration and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...

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