Written in the spirit of Pope Benedict XVI’s thoughtful and inclusive theological teachings, this post aims to explore one of the most commonly asked questions by both new and seasoned readers of the Bible: “In what order should I read the Bible?” We’ll navigate through both historical and literary perspectives to produce a balanced and enriching comprehension of this subject. Regardless of whether you’re approaching the Bible for the first time, revisiting it, or looking to deepen your understanding, this guide will offer helpful answers.

The Canonical Order

One of the fundamental approaches to reading the Bible is following the canonical order. This entails starting with the Book of Genesis and finishing with the Book of Revelation. The Old Testament, made up of books from Genesis to Malachi, is read first. This is then followed by the New Testament which starts from Matthew and ends with Revelation. This sequence aligns with how the Bible has been traditionally organized and provides a chronological order of events.

A Thematic Approach

For those seeking to understand specific themes or topics in the Bible, a thematic approach might be more beneficial. This method allows the reader to explore specific subjects by reading relevant passages across different books. For instance, if you are interested in understanding God’s mercy, there are numerous chapters and verses spread across both Testaments that you can study.

Chronological Reading

A chronological order is another way to read the Bible. This approach aligns the books and events according to their occurrence in history. While some books may be read partially or, in some cases, be split, this reading order provides a more detailed timeline of events. It can be especially insightful for readers aiming to understand the historical context of biblical narratives.

Gospels-First Reading

Starting with the Gospels, which record the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is another approach. Some readers find this method beneficial as it introduces them to the person and work of Christ right from the onset, shaping the way they interpret the rest of the scriptures.

The Psalms and Proverbs Daily Approach

This approach incorporates reading from Psalms and Proverbs daily, providing a balanced diet of poetry, praise, proverbs, and wisdom literature. Psalms are known for their poetic profundity and emotional depth. Proverbs, in contrast, presents nuggets of wisdom and practical guidance for leading a virtuous life.

Understanding the Consequences

The order in which one reads the Bible can significantly impact their understanding and interpretation of the sacred text. It can make certain themes more prominent, underline certain connections, and provide different levels of appreciation for the historical, literary, and theological richness of the Bible. It’s worth mentioning that reading the Bible should not solely be an intellectual exercise, but one that deepens your spiritual journey and relationship with God.

Relevance for Christians Today

In our current era, the Bible remains an indispensable source of spiritual, moral, and philosophical guidance. Understanding the order to read the Bible can optimize our comprehension of its powerful message, enhance our personal devotion, and enrich our Christian lives. Regardless of the approach you choose, what’s essential is that you read the Bible consistently and attentively, allowing the word of God to permeate your mind and heart.


The order in which we approach the Bible can significantly influence how we perceive its teachings. While the canonical order provides a traditional route, a thematic approach allows us to delve into particular topics. The chronological order aligns the texts historically, while starting with the Gospels sets Jesus as our primary guide. The Psalms and Proverbs daily approach, meanwhile, infuses our daily reading with wisdom and praise. Regardless of the approach, the Bible remains a profound wellspring of wisdom and spiritual nourishment for Christians everywhere. So delve in, find your preferred order, and let the transformative words of the Bible guide your spiritual journey.


Sarah Goodwin

A passionate Christian and Bible enthusiast, I find joy in delving deep into Scripture and sharing its timeless wisdom with my readers. Through words, I aspire to illuminate the profound lessons the Bible offers, hoping to inspire faith and purpose in every heart. Join me on a journey of biblical exploration and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...

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