July 11, 2023

What Does The Bible Say About Celebrating Christmas?

by SARAH in Denominations and Christian Beliefs0 Comments

Celebrating Christmas is a time-honored tradition within the Christian faith, marked by joyous celebrations, gift-giving, and family gatherings. It’s widely recognized as the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. However, one might ask: what does the Bible say about celebrating Christmas? This is an intriguing question, as it invites us to delve deeper into scripture and explore the foundations of our faith.

The Bible – A Historical Perspective of Christmas

The Bible, Christianity’s most sacred text, does not explicitly mention the celebration of Christmas. The New Testament provides details about Christ’s birth – the story unfolds in the gospels of Matthew (Matthew 2:1-12) and Luke (Luke 2:8-20). However, neither of these books, or any other book of the Bible, specify a date for this holy event or direct Christians to celebrate it annually.

Most scholars agree that the choice of December 25th as the date of Christmas happened centuries after the actual time of Christ’s birth. This choice was made for various theological and cultural reasons, not solely on Biblical grounds.

Celebrating Christmas and the Bible

So, does this historical fact lessen the importance or relevance of celebrating Christmas for believers today? Not at all. The Bible may not provide direct instructions for the celebration of Christmas, but it offers teachings that can undergird and enrich the celebrations.

Take, for instance, the concept of Emmanuel – God with us (Matthew 1:23). This central theme of the nativity narrative highlights God’s closeness and accessibility. Celebrating Christmas can serve as a reminder of this divine presence and a way to give thanks for the gift of Jesus Christ.

Moreover, the Bible encourages believers to honor God in joyful assembly, to share their faith in love and to show kindness and gratitude (Hebrews 10:25, Colossians 3:15-16, 2 Corinthians 9:11). These biblical instructions can easily be incorporated into our Christmas celebrations, making them occasions of thankfulness, fellowship, and love.

The Diverse Christian Perspectives

It is important to remember that among Christianity’s many denominations, there are different perspectives on Christmas and its observance. Some Christian groups, like the Puritans of early America, have historically frowned upon the celebration of Christmas, due to its extrabiblical origin and perceived connections to pagan traditions. Other denominations, such as the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, place significant emphasis on the season of Advent leading up to Christmas and see the celebration as integral to the Christian liturgical year.

Conclusion: The Relevance of Christmas Today

In conclusion, while the Bible does not expressly mention the celebration of Christmas or set its date, Christmas remains a significant tradition for many Christians around the globe. Its observance is one way of acknowledging and appreciating the miracle of Christ’s birth.

The celebration provides an opportunity to reflect on the love of God who took the form of man, to spread joy, and to share love, echoing the values that the Bible promotes. Therefore, the essence of Christmas aligns with the teachings of the Bible, making the celebration a meaningful element of Christian life.


Sarah Goodwin

A passionate Christian and Bible enthusiast, I find joy in delving deep into Scripture and sharing its timeless wisdom with my readers. Through words, I aspire to illuminate the profound lessons the Bible offers, hoping to inspire faith and purpose in every heart. Join me on a journey of biblical exploration and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...

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