In the Bible, there are six women who are named Mary. These include:

1. Mary, the mother of Jesus – Luke 1:30–38

2. Mary Magdalene – Mark 16:9; John 20:18

3. Mary of Bethany (Martha and Lazarus’ sister) – Luke 10:39; John 11:17–44; John 12:2–3

4. Mary of Clopas – John 19:25

5. Mary (mother of James) – Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40

6. Mary (mother of John Mark) – Acts 12:12

Read on to learn more about these women and the significance of their stories in the Bible.

Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

The most well-known Mary in the Bible is Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was a virgin living in Nazareth when an angel told her that she would give birth to the Son of God (Luke 1:30–38). She accepted this calling and was obedient to God’s will, giving birth to our Lord Jesus Christ soon after. In Luke 2:19 it says that “Mary kept all these things in her heart” as a reminder of the importance of her son.

Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene was a former prostitute who followed Jesus throughout his ministry and witnessed his crucifixion. She is known as the first person to witness the resurrection of Christ when she came to the tomb and found it empty (John 20:1–18). She spread the news of His resurrection, making her one of the most important figures in Christianity.

Mary of Bethany

Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. She is remembered for her devotion to Jesus when she anointed His feet with expensive perfume (John 11:2). Jesus declared this act a beautiful example of faith and love for God, showing that even small acts can greatly impact our lives.

Mary of Clopas

Mary of Clopas was a follower of Jesus who witnessed the crucifixion of Christ. She is mentioned in John 19:25 and is assumed to be either the mother or sister of the apostle James.

Mary (Mother Of James)

Mary, the mother of James, was present at Jesus’ crucifixion. She and another Mary were standing at the foot of the cross when Jesus addressed them just before He died (Matthew 27:56; Mark 15:40).

Mary (Mother Of John Mark)

The final Mary mentioned in the Bible is Mary, the mother of John Mark. She was a faithful follower and hosted a gathering for the apostles in her home shortly after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 12:12).

These six Marys each played an important role in the Bible and remind us that all of us can make our own contribution to God’s story. Whether small or great, we, too, can have faith like the six Marys and leave our mark on the world.

How Can We All Show Our Devotion to God Just Like the Six Marys Did?

The six Marys mentioned in the Bible were all women of great faith. They loved God deeply and followed His will for their lives. They were not afraid to show their devotion to Him and were great examples. We can all learn from all these six Marys. Even though it might be hard to show our devotion to God, here are some ways we can do it:

1. By living our lives for Him.

One of the ways we can show our devotion to God is by living our lives for Him. Like the Marys, we can follow His will for our lives and love Him deeply. When we are devoted to God, He blesses us abundantly. Some ways we can live our lives for Him include praying regularly, reading His Word, attending church, and serving others.

2. By serving others in His name.

Another way to show our devotion to God is by serving others in His name. Just as the six Marys did, we can show a deep love for God by loving and serving others. We can volunteer at a food pantry, visit the sick in hospitals, or mentor young people in our communities. Through these acts of service, we are demonstrating our commitment to God and His will for us.

3. By giving generously.

We can also show our devotion to God by giving generously. This could mean donating to a charity or sharing our time, talents, and resources. The six Marys were generous; they gave freely despite their own circumstances. In the same way, we can be generous with our giving and show our love for God through it.

4. By following His will for our lives.

We can also show our devotion to God by following His will for our lives. When we follow His will, we are putting Him first. By doing this, we are proving that we love Him and are devoted to Him. Just like the six Marys, we can trust God with our lives and put Him first in all that we do.

5. By being courageous to show our devotion to Him.

We must not be afraid to show our devotion to God. We should be proud of our relationship with Him and want to share it with others. When we are not afraid to show our devotion to God, we are more likely to lead others to Him. This will help grow His kingdom and bring Him glory.

The six Marys in the Bible were never afraid to show their devotion to God; we can take their example as an inspiration. There is no need to be ashamed or afraid of our relationship with God. We can all show our devotion to Him in various ways and bring glory to His name.

6. By being good examples to others.

We must all strive to be good examples to others by living for God. This way, we show them that it is possible to live a life devoted to God. Just like the six Marys did, we can be examples of faith and trust in God’s will for our lives.

What Sacrifices Did the Six Marys Go Through Just To Show Their Devotion to God?

Each of the six Marys chose to sacrifice their own desires and possessions to serve God.

Mary Magdalene is known for her dedication and devotion to Jesus during His ministry. She did not hesitate when He asked her to leave everything behind and follow Him, leaving her family, possessions, and even comfort for a life of poverty and missionary work.

Mary Salome and Mary Cleophas left their homes to follow Jesus, offering themselves and their resources in service to Him. They made incredible sacrifices of time, money, and energy that most of us cannot even imagine.

Mary Jacobi is often noted for her courage, faithfulness, and determination. Despite being a widow with no children, she left her home and followed Jesus across the sea. There is no doubt that it was a difficult journey for her, yet she continued to be with Jesus until His death on Calvary.

Mary of Bethany chose to sacrifice her material possessions for the Lord. In Luke 10:38-42, we see how Mary gave all she had to Jesus while her sister Martha chose to stay home and busy herself with the work of hospitality.

Finally, Mary, the mother of Jesus, sacrificed everything she had for her son’s mission. Even though it meant giving up her dignity and suffering immense pain as she watched Him die on the cross, she willingly did so as an act of love and faith.

These six Marys showed incredible devotion to God, making amazing sacrifices in order to serve Him and His mission. Their examples remind us to make sure that our lives reflect our commitment to the Lord. As we learn from their stories, we can live a life filled with faith, courage, and a true devotion to God.

How Can We Become More Selfless Like Jesus?

Selflessness is one of Jesus’ greatest teachings. He taught us to put others before ourselves, to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and to serve without expecting anything in return. Becoming more selfless like Jesus requires cultivating a spirit of generosity and compassion. Here are a few ways we can become more selfless like Jesus:

1. Live generously with your time, energy, and resources. Look for ways to give of yourself in your community or workplace. When you can, consider donating money to charities that help those less fortunate.

2. Practice humility and be willing to put others before yourself. Ask yourself how to help someone else instead of what’s in it for you.

3. Practice patience and kindness with everyone you come in contact with. Speak to people respectfully and courteously even if they don’t always reciprocate.

4. Be willing to forgive and let go of past hurts or grudges that may be keeping you from living a selfless life.

5. Serve others in any way you can. Volunteering your time and energy to a cause you believe in can make an incredible difference.

6. Pray for those less fortunate, and those struggling in life. Ask God to give you the strength to be more selfless like Jesus.

7. Be humble and recognize that we all make mistakes. Seek out opportunities to apologize and make amends with those you’ve wronged.

8. Live a life of love and gratitude, recognizing that every blessing has come from the Lord.

By living with selflessness in mind, we can become more like Jesus and lead lives that honor Him. He is our greatest example of selflessness, and we can learn much from His teachings. Some Bible verses that remind us of Jesus’ selflessness include the following:

  • Matthew 25:40, “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”
  • John 13:34-35, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
  • Romans 12:10, “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
  • Ephesians 5:2, “And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”
  • Philippians 2:3-4, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

By following these principles and striving for selflessness like Jesus, we can lead lives that bring glory and honor to God. In the end, our example of selflessness will make the biggest impact on those we come in contact with and show the world what it looks like to truly live for Jesus.

Bottom Line

The six Marys can be accurately identified as women who were friends and followers of Jesus during his lifetime. These women demonstrated how much faith and dedication they had for Him, even after His death. They were willing to lay down their lives for Him and remain true to their belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Because of their devotion and faith, the six Marys are remembered as important figures in early Christianity. Their courage and loyalty serve as examples to all believers today, showing that no matter what comes our way, we can remain devoted to our faith. Along with the other women who followed Jesus during his ministry, these six Marys prove that living a life of faith and courage is possible.


Sarah Goodwin

A passionate Christian and Bible enthusiast, I find joy in delving deep into Scripture and sharing its timeless wisdom with my readers. Through words, I aspire to illuminate the profound lessons the Bible offers, hoping to inspire faith and purpose in every heart. Join me on a journey of biblical exploration and spiritual growth.Enter your text here...

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